Be part of

A digital forum where group, teams, friends and communities can connect with others for the purpose of sending text, images, and more to everyone at once. Tell me more...


Group and team chat

On our servers, it is possible to connect bouncer or web-based persistent IRC client to solve group communication problems once and for all so you can work in real time. Tell me more...

Connecting people

Talk in open or private channels, or one-to-one. Keep on top of discussions that matter, and stay focused. Tell me more...


Be part of

A digital forum where group, teams, friends and communities can connect with others for the purpose of sending text, images, and more to everyone at once. Tell me more...

Group and team chat

On our servers, it is possible to connect bouncer or web-based persistent IRC client to solve group communication problems once and for all so you can work in real time. Tell me more...

Connecting people

Talk in open or private channels, or one-to-one. Keep on top of discussions that matter, and stay focused. Tell me more...


We provide the most efficient, scalable and secure IRC servers that follow the specifications that make up the modern IRC according to extensions defined by WG IRCv3.


Conversation is interactive, communication
between two or more people.

One element of conversation is discussion: sharing opinions on subjects that are thought of during the conversation.

You can access to our servers with different clients and devices.
Don't waste your time,
the digital strategy needs to become the essence of your life or business strategy.

Internet Relay Chat Services










We use a set of features implemented on many modern Internet Relay Chat networks. Services are automated bots with special status which are generally used to provide users with access with certain privileges and protection. They usually implement some sort of login system so that only people on the access control list can obtain these services.


Try Now!

We run an instance of self-hosted web IRC client. The client works smoothly on every desktop, smartphone and tablet.